Supporting Local Businesses in Chryston and Muirhead

The Chryston and Muirhead Business Community group was initiated by Ian Osborne of local building firm McEwan Osborne in September 2013.

Ian, and some like-minded business owners, recognised the need for a forum where local companies could meet  to discuss and act together on issues affecting all local businesses.

Our Aims

The main objectives of the “CMBC” is to showcase all the fantastic products and services we have to offer and encourage people to “shop locally” to ensure our village shops remain part of the local community.

We also want to give all local businesses a chance to touch base regularly to share good business practices, make new business alliances and maximise the opportunities from local and national community events.

We want to work closely with all the local Councillors, MPs, MSPs and Community Council to ensure that the wants and needs of all local businesses are addressed.

Why Not Come Along and Get Involved?

All local businesses based in or covering the Muirhead and Chryston areas are welcome to attend, to meet, network and discuss how we can support each other to maximise success for our businesses.  The larger the group, the bigger impact on the potential for growth!

We meet at 6:15pm on the first Wednesday of the month at Crowwood Golf Club.

To find out more contact Ian Osborne on 07891 831467 or by email at

“We believe great things can be achieved when we work together as a community – issues can be resolved which affect us all when we have strength in numbers.”